Injectable corticosteroid therapy (Diprophos)

For which hair diseases is it recommended to undergo topical corticosteroid injection therapy?
Diseases of the hair and scalp are divided into scarring and non-scarring processes according to international criteria. Especially in the case of scarring hair loss caused by localised inflammation, the aim is to suppress this inflammation. If it persists, it would lead to the progression of the disease, to a permanent and irreversible process of destruction of the hair follicles and their replacement by scarring.

Do I have to come in for an examination first?
Yes, it is important to undergo a trichological examination in our hair clinic before starting therapy. It is important for proper diagnosis and assessment of your overall health.

How is the treatment performed? Is it painful?
After thorough disinfection of the treated area, we inject the corticosteroid drug in the required amount through the thinnest needle. The painfulness of the procedure is therefore minimal.

Do I have to come again?
We will tell you more at the trichological examination that precedes the application of Diprophos. We have to adjust your treatment individually according to your condition and the progress of the disease.

Should I expect side effects?
Most often we encounter mild soreness and redness associated with the injection of the therapeutic substance.

Dermarevolta is at your service.

